SKU,Alias SKUs ,Bundled SKUs ,Name,UPC ,ASIN ,ISBN ,Weight,Length,Width,Height,Declared Value,Wholesale Price,Image URL,Country of Manufacture,Warehouse-Bin Location,Harmonized Code,Category,Stock,Adjust Stock,Safety Stock ,Max Available ,Lead Time ,Low Stock Threshold,Tags,Active,Override Store Name,Send Inventory Updates to Store,Suppliers,Handling time ,SKU | SKU ,SKU: Qty | SKU: Qty ,,,,,ounces,inches,inches,inches,,,,,,,,will override the total amount of stock in ShippingEasy,will add or subtract (use negative value) from the total amount of stock in ShippingEasy,,,,,,,On = displays names from the product catalog / Off = displays product names from Order data,On = Send updates to store / Off = opt-out of updates / Blank = default to store settings,Supplier Name: Supplier SKU: Unit Cost ,days 49381,49382 | 49383,49381b: 1 | 49381c: 1,Tote bag,123456765432,B00005N5PF ,978-0060731335 ,8,10,8,6,10.99,7.05,,US,L-33,420211,Bags,50,-5,5,40,3,10,promo,active,On,On,Designer Totes: T148b: 4.00,1